Law on the Protection of Personal Data



In accordance with the provisions of Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (KVKK), any information that makes your identity specific or identifiable will be processed by İZFAŞ İzmir Fuarcılık Hizmetleri Kültür ve Sanat İşleri Ticaret A.Ş. in the capacity as Data Controller, as Personal Data under the following scope. Processing of your personal data means all kinds of operations conducted on the data such as collection, recording, storage, preservation, alteration, adaptation, disclosure, transfer, retrieval, making available for collection, categorization or blocking its use.

As İzmir Fuarcılık Hizmetleri Kültür ve Sanat İşleri Ticaret A.Ş. , we would like to state that we give importance of the security of your personal data at the highest level and continue our operations with the awareness that the security of your personal data are prioritized in the services we offer.

Privacy of your private life and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms is our main principle during the use of your personal data.

The purposes and legal reasons for the processing of your Personal Data:

To be used in the services offered to you within scope of the laws and related legislations which our company is subject to, to perform our services, to record your identity information, address, telephone number, tax number and other information that are considered as personal data as part of KVKK for identification of information of owner of any business and procedure and respondent, organize information and documents to be grounds for works and procedures to be performed on paper or in electronic media, to comply with information saving, reporting and informing obligations stipulated by all judiciary and administrative competent authorities according to relevant legislation, to be able to perform our services within scope of the laws we are subject to, and to offer other services provided by or requested from our company.

Transferring of your Personal Data:

Your personal data available at our company may be transferable to institutions and/or organizations allowed/obliged by laws, other laws and other legislation provisions we are subject to; to İzmir Metropolitan Municipality ; universities, public institutions and third parties from which services are received to perform our operations, within scope of subjected laws and within framework of legal limitations.

Collection Method of Personal Data:

Your personal data are collected via various methods such as all statements/information forms and other documents related with procedures drawn with your approval and/or signature according to relevant legislations, notices to be made by your electronic approval and/or signatures, verbal, written or electronically by means of channels such as our Company, service units, Web Pages, Call Center, Kiosks.

Your rights according to article 11 of the Law:

You have the right to the following regarding your personal data by means of applying to our Company;

a) Learn whether it is processed or not,

b) Request information if processed,

c) Learn the purpose of processing and whether it is used as intended,

d) Know the 3rd Parties transferred to locally and internationally,

e) Request correction if missing/incorrectly processed,

f) Request deletion/disposal within framework of conditions stipulated in article 7 of KVKK,

g) Request informing 3rd parties the data were transferred to about the procedures made in accordance with articles (e) and (f),

h) Object to the emergence of a result against you because it is exclusively analyzed by automated systems,

i) Claim for remedy if you incur losses due to unlawful processing.

Data Controller You Can Apply Within Scope of The Law:

İZFAŞ İzmir Fuarcılık Hizmetleri Kültür ve Sanat İşleri Ticaret A.Ş.

Zafer Mahallesi 840 Sokak Fuar İzmir Gaziemir, İzmir